8 Common Coaching Mistakes

Don't you want to know?

Mistakes? Really?

I know that using the word "mistakes" is odd for a coach.
It communicates a judgment. I want to say that I have no attachment to mistakes as a bad thing, only as a learning tool. Please read "mistakes" in that manner so that we can dive into the learning.
Write your awesome label here.
As an ICF Certified Mentor Coach and Assessor, I have a unique vantage point. I have listened to hundreds of coaching conversations over the past 5 years. 

In this video series, I will share what I see as common mistakes that coaches make. Each of these videos discusses something that may impact a recording from passing an ICF Assessment and keep you from coaching at the PCC level or beyond.

Bonus: I will be adding to these videos occasionally :) so keep coming back and watch the number grow. There is no time limit to your access for this program!

Read. | Watch. | Learn. | Improve.

Half of learning is learning from our mistakes. Taking time to "fail fast" and recalibrate where we need to. 
Learn with

Lyssa deHartLICSW, MCC, BCC

Lyssa is the author of StoryJacking: Change Your Dialogue, Transform Your Life and the Reflective Coach, and the host of the Coaching Studio Podcast.

She is a Confidence Coach, Certified Mentor Coach, Coaching Super-Vision Partner, ICF PCC Assessor, and coaching educator.

Using her understanding of the ICF Core Competencies, combined with her knowledge of Neuroscience, Lyssa works with Professional Coaches to expand their capacity to partner with their clients through how they show up and hold the space for those with whom they work.

Please connect with Lyssa on LinkedIn and YouTube!