Coaching Demo Series

Listen to Coaching Demonstrations

Unleash your coaching potential with our live demonstrations! Witnessing other experienced coaches in action offers unparalleled insight. Develop your skills through observing varied coaching styles, powerful questioning, deep listening techniques, and more. Turn observation into mastery today!
The MCC Demo Series

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Learn through examples.

Dive deeper into the world of professional coaching with these coaching demonstrations. These  demonstrations aren't plain conversations, but rather useful coaching sessions; they're an immersive experience that brings you face-to-face with the real-time application of International Coach Federation (ICF) Competencies in a coaching conversation.
As you observe these demonstrations, you will have the unique opportunity to witness firsthand how a seasoned coach, like Lyssa, weaves the ICF competencies throughout each interaction with her client. You'll see her expertly set the Agreement, establishing the framework of the coaching session.
Next, watch how Trust and Safety are integrated, creating a conducive environment for the client to lead the coach to what is important and how they are invited to full partnership.
The nuanced art of Listening deeply is also on display, showing you how effective communication goes beyond speaking, but rather is demonstrated in how we hear and are curious about what the client shares.
These intimate demonstrations give you the chance to explore how the competencies intertwine to create a powerful coaching container. It's not just about learning the theory; it's about seeing it in action and understanding how to apply it in your coaching journey.
Turn your observations into your own style and mastery!

Develop Your
Professional Coaching Skills

Boost your confidence, hone your skills,
tune your ears, and develop mastery.

MCC Demonstrations

Meet Lyssa

Lyssa deHart, LICSW, MCC, BCC, is the author of StoryJacking: Change Your Dialogue, Transform Your Life, the Reflective Coach, and Light Up: The Science of Coaching with Metaphors.Lyssa is a Confidence Coach, Certified Mentor Coach, Coaching Super-Vision Partner, ICF PCC Assessor, and coaching educator.

Using her understanding of the ICF Core Competencies and her knowledge of Neuroscience, Lyssa works with Professional Coaches to expand the capacity to partner with their clients through how they show up and hold the space for those with whom they work.

Lyssa is the creator of the Power of Metaphor Certification Program. Giving coaches new ways to tune their ears to hear the powerful metaphors their clients bring forward and discovering how to leverage the important metaphors to create stronger agreements, build trust and safety, allow the client to lead, and ultimately evoke powerful embodied awareness.