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resources and recommendations


I think I have been very clear on how much I love this program. I use it daily with my mentor clients and to reflect and review my own coaching. I love RaeNotes!!!

My affiliate link gets you extra minutes and me extra minutes. It's a Win-Win :)

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If you have books you think I should add, please let me know and I will check them out!  

Moore Master Coaching

Listen to MCC Coaching Demos!

Tune in to MCC Coaching Demos for an Exclusive FREE Sneak Peek! Moore Master Coaching is your invaluable gateway to mastering the art of coaching. Hear veteran coaches in action as they exemplify true partnership, and listen to freshly minted MCCs share the very recordings that earned them their credentials.

Listen to Grow!

reminder of the small print... :)

Clicking on affiliate links found here and making a purchase helps to sustain the YouTube channel, podcast, and other free resources I offer. Your support is deeply appreciated! Thank You.