MCC Demo Series

MCC Demo:
Passing MCC Demo with Feedback

Get the goods on a passing Demonstration and the feedback from the ICF Assessor.

Listen to this MCC Session &
Learn what ICF Feedback was given

#Listen | #Pause | #Read | #Learn | #Assess | #Improve | #Grow

When I was working hard to prepare for my MCC application, I listened to as much MCC level coaching as I could. It was so helpful to my own self-reflective process.

I didn't want to copy anyone, but I did want to find confidence in my understanding of a MCC level conversation. And, I was hungry to link that confidence to my personal style. 

You and I may have different styles. Yet, there are so many insights we can glean from listening and then self-reflecting.

I hope this demonstration serves to support you on your own MCC (or ACC and PCC) application journey. Good Luck and Happy Coaching!

The Benefits of Listening to Others is Great!

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VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Stripe, and Apple Pay.
For some extensive programs, I offer payment plans. You will see this option upon sign up if it is available. If you do not see your course listed, then it is unavailable for a payment plan at this time.

How do I find my invoices?

At the top menu where is says 'me', select, select 'account'. If you have purchased it will show you the invoices, then select 'download invoice'.

Are refunds available?

Refunds are available for purchases over $50 within fourteen (14) days unless the digital material has been accessed. If you change your mind about the product and have not accessed the material. You are responsible for all bank fees accrued or charged + a $50.00 handling fee. There are no refunds if you have accessed the digital material, downloaded documents, or watched videos. We can discuss moving you to another program/course within the year in limited cases.

If I haven't accessed the material and it is within the fourteen (14) day time frame, how do I request a refund?

If you haven't accessed the material and it is within the fourteen (14) day time frame, send an email to with your full name and the course that you purchased.  You are responsible for all bank fees accrued or charged + a $50.00 handling fee
Learn with

Lyssa deHartLICSW, MCC, BCC

Lyssa is the author of StoryJacking: Change Your Dialogue, Transform Your Life and the Reflective Coach, and the host of the Coaching Studio Podcast.

She is a Confidence Coach, Certified Mentor Coach, Coaching Super-Vision Partner, ICF PCC Assessor, and coaching educator.

Using her understanding of the ICF Core Competencies, combined with her knowledge of Neuroscience, Lyssa works with Professional Coaches to expand their capacity to partner with their clients through how they show up and hold the space for those with whom they work.

Please connect with Lyssa on LinkedIn and YouTube!