Let's Explore your Coaching Growth!
Group Mentor Coaching
Group Mentor Coaching: Up to 26 Core Competency and 4 Resource Development CCE's (30 Total) & 7 Group Mentor Coaching Hours Limited to 10 participants.
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Upcoming Sessions!
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Mentor Coaching
Develop Your Coaching Skills
You might be thinking of renewing your ACC and then end up applying for your PCC. :) Anything is possible.
Darien Fleming, PCC
Darien Fleming, PCC
Observe. Coach. Play. Reflect. Grow. Improve.
"THANK YOU for a truly mind-blowing experience in your class. I am 10,000% grateful I pulled your name out of the internet hat!"
Melanie Polkosky, Ph.D., PCC
Senior UX Research Manager, Allstate
Melanie Polkosky, Ph.D., PCC
Senior UX Research Manager, Allstate
Write your awesome label here.
What do people say about working with Lyssa?
7 Reasons
You Need
ICF Certified
Mentor Coaching
- You’ve been out of your coaching school for a while and your a little shaky on the ICF Core Competencies.
- There is a long list of personal accomplishments that you are working towards and your ACC, or your PCC are at the top of that list.
- You need your 10 hours of Mentor Coaching for your ICF renewal.
- Wasting money isn’t enjoyable and you want to increase your Coaching confidence so you pass the ICF Performance Evaluation.
- The idea of using the ICF Core Competencies with artfulness is very appealing.
- You have a growth mindset and want to continue to grow and improve.
- Thinking and talking, talking and thinking, about mentor coaching is no longer doing it for you. You’re ready to take action!
Check out the course details below
Program Outline
Session 1: Introductions, What is Your Why, Group Learning Agreements, Course Overview, creating course intentions, discuss article, discuss Walking Through the PCC Markers, and we will set up Coach/Client for each of the sessions 2-6.
Session 2: Discussion of Coaching DEMO: Ruthie and the video on Liminal Thinking. There will be a live fishbowl coaching demonstration, developmental feedback and exploring the alignment with the Markers.
Session 3: Discussion of first Dyad Fieldwork and of the article, If You Have a Brain Your Biased. There will be a live fishbowl coaching demonstration, developmental feedback and exploring the alignment with the Markers.
Session 4: Discussion of learning and the Power of Vulnerability. There will be a live fishbowl coaching demonstration, developmental feedback and exploring the alignment with the Markers.
Session 5: Discussion of what you are learning are your strengths and developmental edges and your self-reflection. There will be a live fishbowl coaching demonstration, developmental feedback and exploring the alignment with the Markers.
Session 6: Discussion of 2nd Dyad, what was learned from doing your own transcript analysis. There will be a live fishbowl coaching demonstration, developmental feedback and exploring the alignment with the Markers.
Session 7: Discussion of DEMO Frozen to Peaceful. Q&A about the renewal/application process. Final session celebration!
What's Included
Individual and Unique Learning Paths
Whether you are aiming for ACC, Renewing an ACC, going for your PCC, or MCC you are always working on your own growth arc.
Online Live Webinars
Join other coaches from around the world. 2 hours every other week, from the comfort of your home.
Lot's of Practice Coaching
Observe and participate in fishbowl coaching, practice noticing what worked and what you might have done differently. Plus the course is set up so that you can record two coaching sessions with another participant for your own learning.
Self-Development with Transcript Analysis
Using RaeNotes you will become a self-aware observer of your own work. Through this self-reflective practice, you will gain confidence in your coaching demonstrations and have more clarity about how your coaching aligns with the ICF Competencies.
Developmental Feedback
You receive developmental feedback. The goal is always that you're working on what is important to support your coaching goals. Feedback is there to support you, not freak you out.
Listen to passing MCC Coaching Calls
No matter where you are in your Coach development, listening to what a passing MCC call sounds like can support your growth. Notice what you like and what you might do differently.
Audit GMC in the future for Free
If you have been enrolled in a Mentor Coaching Group, or worked 1 on 1 for 10 individual hours with Lyssa in the past, you may audit future Mentor Coaching Groups, depending on space, for free. Let us know if you qualify for this opportunity!
Be a Part of a Community!
Be a part of a bigger community. Coaching can be lonely, join our community. Find coaches to practice with, join live monthly calls, share your wisdom, and continue to grow.
Write your awesome label here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I get a discount on the three 1:1 Mentor Coaching hours I still need??
Yes. There is a discount on the individual mentor coaching fee's. We will discuss in class.
If I take the Group Mentor Coaching Program, how many ICF CCE's will I receive?
In this program, you can get up to 7 Group Mentor Coaching Hours, PLUS 26 ICF Core Competencies, and 4 Resource Development CCEs.
Bonus Material that will support me?
Yes, Lyssa is sharing several demonstrations. This will give you the opportunity to assess coaching, and we will have time to discuss how it meets the markers, where choice points were, and what to be paying attention to in your own coaching.
What is the Group Mentor Coaching Refund Policy?
Refunds are available for any purchases within fourteen (14) days unless the digital material has been accessed.
If you change your mind about the product and have not accessed the material, there is a $50.00 fee to cover bank charges.
There are no refunds if you have accessed the digital material, downloaded documents, or watched videos.
We can discuss moving you to another program/course within the year in limited cases.

Created by
Lyssa deHart
Lyssa deHart, LICSW, MCC, BCC is an Author, Certified Mentor Coach, Coaching Super-Vision Partner, ICF PCC Assessor, and coaching educator. Lyssa received her ACC in 2014, her PCC in 2016, and her MCC in 2018.
Using her understanding of the ICF Core Competencies, combined with her knowledge of Neuroscience, Lyssa works with Professional Coaches to expand their capacity to partner with their clients through how they show up and hold the space for those with whom they work.
Using her understanding of the ICF Core Competencies, combined with her knowledge of Neuroscience, Lyssa works with Professional Coaches to expand their capacity to partner with their clients through how they show up and hold the space for those with whom they work.